Hybrid Animation - Kariktan Capstone Project for Bachelor's Degree

Hybrid Animation - Kariktan Capstone Project for Bachelor's Degree

Hybrid Animation - Kariktan Capstone Project for Bachelor's Degree

Jan 23, 2024

Jan 23, 2024

Jan 23, 2024

Full length animation here!

Was in charge of producing the 3D Backgrounds as well as the camera work in the scenes. Used Blender and Toon Boom Harmony for the software

Full length animation here!

Was in charge of producing the 3D Backgrounds as well as the camera work in the scenes. Used Blender and Toon Boom Harmony for the software

Full length animation here!

Was in charge of producing the 3D Backgrounds as well as the camera work in the scenes. Used Blender and Toon Boom Harmony for the software

3D Modelling, 3D Animation, 3D Environment Art

3D Modelling, 3D Animation, 3D Environment Art

3D Modelling, 3D Animation, 3D Environment Art