Website - UNFOLD 2023

Website - UNFOLD 2023

Website - UNFOLD 2023

Jun 3, 2023

Jun 3, 2023

Jun 3, 2023

Amazing opportunity to work with Pau Chavez, Nikki Buño, Aldrich Pajarillo, and Marcus Tayas in the conception of the website for our event, UNFOLD 2023. I was the exhibit executive of the team, and took charge mostly in the UX part of the website conception. We first brainstormed how the website will look like in Canva and Figma, and then from Figma we brought the design to Framer. The website is then published on Framer.

Explore our website here!

Amazing opportunity to work with Pau Chavez, Nikki Buño, Aldrich Pajarillo, and Marcus Tayas in the conception of the website for our event, UNFOLD 2023. I was the exhibit executive of the team, and took charge mostly in the UX part of the website conception. We first brainstormed how the website will look like in Canva and Figma, and then from Figma we brought the design to Framer. The website is then published on Framer.

Explore our website here!

Amazing opportunity to work with Pau Chavez, Nikki Buño, Aldrich Pajarillo, and Marcus Tayas in the conception of the website for our event, UNFOLD 2023. I was the exhibit executive of the team, and took charge mostly in the UX part of the website conception. We first brainstormed how the website will look like in Canva and Figma, and then from Figma we brought the design to Framer. The website is then published on Framer.

Explore our website here!